POPLib - Polygon Optimization Library

POPLib is a subset of SOLIDS++ that is designed to give the user the ability to create polygonal meshes for trimmed surfaces, shells and solids. POPLib in combination with one of the Integrityware translators provides a sufficient core geometry engine for applications which need to view, query and analyze existing geometry.
POPLib tessellator is configured to allow the user to capture the resulting output in a format appropriate for their application. Currently POPLib supports the following output formats:
- To OpenGL with Optional Triangle Strips and Fans
- To STL Stereo Lithography files
- To Wavefront OBJ file format files
- To IntegrityWare Poly Brep Objects
- To a Mesh Structures
- Adaptive Tolerancing used to enable robust processing models from a wide variety of originating systems.
- Powerful Sewing Tools to bring surface models together and turn them into solids or open shells.
- Tessellation Settings to give great control over mesh creation from the underlying NURBS geometry.
- "Water Tight" meshes suitable for Stereo Lithography