Our threefold mission encompasses the company we want to build; the technology we will supply; the business we are in.
The Company: Companies and the people within them typically operate on a set of principles. The principles of a company define the value set which guides the decision making process. IntegrityWare, Inc. will operate according to the following fundamental guiding principles:
Integrity - we will strive to what is honorable and right no matter what the cost.
Craftsmanship - we will strive to create products which are of superior value through the creativeness and diligence of highly skilled, knowledgeable, and dedicated individuals.
People - we believe in the ultimate value of individuals and will strive to make decisions consistent with this belief.
The Technology: Our goal is to become the leading supplier of enabling 3-D component technologies utilized to build 3-D applications for a variety of computer industries. IntegrityWare will supply representational and computational components to facilitate creation, interrogation, display and modification of three-dimensional data. To become successful in this business we will focus our development efforts on the following:
Reliability - an absolute requirement for our customers to build products.
Performance - second in importance only to reliability.
Adaptability - enables us and our users to quickly move forward in terms of functionality and technology.
The Business: One of the fastest growing segments of the computer products industry is that which utilizes modeled or simulated three-dimensional environments. The industries we are targeting include the following: CAD/CAM/CAE/CAQ, GIS, Animation, Simulation, Virtual Reality, 3D Web, Graphics, Medical, and Computer Games. In addition to our own software products we will work with other vendors which provide complementary products to provide a complete modeling solution. We provide our customers with the following:
Quality Geometry Software - we want to provide tools to our customers that will enable them to produce successful 3D applications.
Great Support - our goal is to respond questions within forty eight hours and to address bugs and other problems with one week.